Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This Blog is a review of how we Photographed, our Cat and had a 'Book' made of our Cats visit to our State Capital. Kind of like the old 'Golden Books' of years gone by, but with our own personal touch. We had a Lot of fun doing this and 'Spot' has since visited the Kentucky Veterans War Memorial, soon to be printed into his Second Book. Here's a recent photo of 'Mr. Innocent' aka: Spot. And the Ky State Capital. We hope to show you how you can make Adventure Books with your pets and have as much enjoyment with your Pets as we do. We'll also review the Equipment we used, such as Camera types, Lens settings, etc... So enjoy the trip with us.
We encourage you visit our Internet store,, which sells the same Camera's and Equipment we use everyday as well as other items of interest. Please Note: All Photos are Copyrighted.

As You can see in the pages of his book, Spot made it to the Kentucky State Capital. Being on his leash, he was able to explore about anywhere he wanted to go. We used a Canon Digital Rebel XT Camera with a Canon 28-90mm Zoom AF Lens to capture the moments and publish them in his "Spots Capital Tour Adventure Book". Lighting conditions being excellent at the time, we elected to leave the Camera in the Fully Automatic "Point and Shoot" modes and with the Canon Rebel, it was easy and lots of fun to do. Although Spot did not get to see the Governor and pursue his "Catnip Bill" while he was " On the Hill " , he was still pleased with all of you who petted him and greeted him while he was at the Capital Building. Spot had a lot of fun and we did too.

Spot comes from a Multiple Cats home, where he lives in Frankfort, with his 3 Brothers and 2 Sisters, all of whom are Indoor Cats. They were all born Wild in a State Park in St. Stephens, AL. They adopted me and travel with me in their safe, approved Pet Cages, in Spot's 'Big Diesel'. Spot is the most Domesticated with a Leash, so it is a special treat for Spot to get out and tour many of Kentucky's Beautiful Attractions. We take Digital as well as Film Cameras on our many Outings with Spot, for flexibility in choosing and printing pictures for his Book. You may also have this done on line at many of the Photo Processing Labs.

Once your Photos are taken of Your Pet's Adventure, you must then begin the difficult task of choosing just which Photos You'll want to use in your pets Adventure Book. Try to choose only a dozen or less photos at best, to keep your books affordable. You'll most likely want to have copies of your Pet's Adventure Book made for friends and family. They make Great Affordable Gifts for special occasions and Holidays and store memories of a lifetime. Parents Love reading them with their Children. I recommend any of the Photo Processing Companies on line that offer special pricing at different times of the year for Coffee Mugs, Calendars and Scrapbooks (Pet Adventure Books). Have them done as early as possible as waiting until the Holiday rush can be more expensive.


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